Mother’s Day.

I have to track back a bit in order to get up to date and to keep my mildly OCD mind happy.  Mother’s Day is suppose to be a day of regaling your mother, or being regaled as a mother!  My husband was born right around Mother’s Day.  So, as the mother of 4, I get kicked to the side and have to share the glory of one’s birthday.  No big deal.

As I said before, I am the mother of 4 and have no immediate family living any closer than 2 hours away.  We can find sitters for an occasional night out, but an overnight-er?  Takes a lot of help and planning.  So that is what I did.  I got help and planned.  My husband’s sister offered to take the kids for the night and my mother-in-law helped me disguise what was happening with a few good lies and an easily deceived husband.

With the pretense of a family event, we headed 2 hours away, across the state to the west side.  After a few bumbling excuses about getting this or that, I got him to come with me and meander a bit.  It was when I refused to go  where he told me I needed to, was when I let him know I was a big fat liar and so was his mom.  He was sooo happy!  We headed to South Haven, on Lake Michigan.  Here are some pics of the places we went and the time we had.  Which was great, despite the rain.





Inward seeking

I know i am behind.  I decided to skip one of the weeks, do the next week, and eventually get the shot I missed-confused?  Yep, me too!  This past week’s theme was “looking through” .  I am much more of a documentary photographer , then someone who will set up a shot.  I dislike working in the studio and find that the main objective of photography, for me, is to capture life in that moment(s).  So, I captured, where I was and what was around me, in that moment.

The Reveal!

We thought we would have missed the reveal, but still would be able to enjoy the celebration.  After a long week of hard work, time and dedication, it was finally done, and finally here.  The neighborhood came out to enjoy the celebration and welcome their new neighbors.  But when we got there, we recognized that we had something in common with the owners.  They run on Pinkel time!  So we had some time to wait for the reveal!

Part of the Kensington Community Church tradition, whenever they break ground for a new church, is to drive a stake into the ground to claim the land for God.  That day, they along with volunteers and a new pastor in the area, trying to start his own church, drove a stake into the ground of the park.  The same park where they host free bbq’s in the neighborhood, establishing that they are committed to helping and giving to a community that so richly needs it.


Jim Pritchard was the director of the house build.

Larry Allen of Grace Centers of Hope.  A wonderful organization and a wonderful guy!

The new pastor in the area!  I can’t remember his name. Ugh.

It was just like on tv!  Only without Ty Pennington!

I was lucky enough to be right in front of everyone to get their faces when the trucks moved and try and capture their emotions.

Behind the trucks were multiple family members there to welcome to their new home and join in on the celebration for and with them!



Final Stretch….

Last evening I swung by the house build to see what was happening.  The outside looked a little bit different then the day before, but only a little bit.

But yesterday, I got to go inside to see what was happening.  I told you before that I knew the drywall was being put in, but when I got in there, the primer was done, the light fixtures in, the kitchen cabinets in and color had started to appear on the walls.  OH!  And most importantly, the HVAC was complete!

And the view from the front porch.  I’ll be back tonight for more pics, but tonight, I am working.  I cannot wait to see this finished!

May Day!

It is incredible how fast they are working and how diligently.  If only all contractors worked this hard.  I mentioned it the other day and someone said, “well, they are dong a special thing for these people, blah, blah, blah…..”  I know that!  But what if we all worked just as hard for each other, for no special reason other than that is  just who we are?  There is a concept…..